Curriculum Vitae of


Office Address

Department of Statistics
Harvard University
1 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

voice: (617) 496-1505
fax: (617) 496-8057


B.A. in Statistics, Summa Cum Laude (1986)
M.A. in Statistics (1989)
Ph.D. in Statistics (1993)

Academic Appointments

Major Research Interests

Grants and Research Contracts as Principal Investigator


Administrative Roles

American Statistical Association
  • Board of Directors member (2019-2021)
  • Council of Sections Governing Board member (2019-2021)
  • Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Committee, Chair (2022 - present)
  • Section on Statistics in Sports (SIS)
    • Section Chair: 2002
    • Program Chair: 2007, 2011, 2014

U.S. Chess Ratings Committee
  • Chair (1992 - 2019, 2022 - Present)
  • Committee member (1985 - Present)

Editorial and Reviewer Experience

Chance magazine
  • Editor of column "Here's to your Health" (2007 - 2014), co-editor (2003 - 2007)

Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports
  • Associate Editor (2012 - 2014, 2018 - present)
  • Editor in Chief (2015 - 2017)

Harvard Data Science Review
  • Column Editor for "Recreations in Randomness" (2019 - present)

NIH grant reviewer
  • Ad hoc member of the HSOD study section, February 2007
  • Ad hoc member of the HSOD study section, October 2009
  • Ad hoc member of the HSOD study section, February 2011

Refereeing peer-reviewed manuscripts
  • Reviewed manuscripts for journals, such as the American Journal of Public Health, The American Statistician, Biostatistics, Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, Journal of Applied Statistics, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Statistics Education, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Lifetime Data Analysis, Mathematics Magazine, Psychometrika, Sankhya, and Statistics in Medicine

Peer-reviewed Manuscripts

  1. Black N, Glickman ME, Fowler FJ, Ding J, Flood AB (1995). "International variation in intervention rates: What are the implications for patient selection?" Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 11, 719-732.
  2. Normand SL, Glickman ME, Sharma RG, McNeil BJ (1995). "Using Admission Characteristics to Predict Short Term Mortality from Myocardial Infarction in the Elderly: Results from the Cooperative Cardiovascular Project," Journal of the American Medical Association, 275, 1322-1328.
  3. Normand SL, Glickman ME, Ryan T (1997). "Modeling mortality rates for elderly heart attack patients: Profiling hospitals in the Cooperative Cardiovascular Project" with discussion and rejoinder, in the Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Bayesian Statistics in Science and Technology: Case Studies, Springer-Verlag.
  4. Glickman ME, Noether M (1997). "An examination of cross-specialty linkage applied to the resource-based relative value scale," Medical Care, 35, 843-866.
  5. Normand SL, Glickman ME, Gatsonis CA (1997). "Statistical methods for profiling providers: Issues and applications," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, 803-814.
  6. Black N, Griffiths J, Glickman ME(1997). "Regional variation in intervention rates: What are the implications for patient selection?" Journal of Public Health Medicine, 19, 274-280.
  7. Glickman ME Stern HS (1998). "A state-space model for National Football League scores," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93, 25-35.
  8. Berlowitz DR, Ash AS, Hickey EC, Friedman RH, Glickman ME, Kader BK, Moskowitz MA (1998). "Inadequate management of blood pressure in a hypertensive population," The New England Journal of Medicine, 339, 1957-63.
  9. Glickman ME (1999). "Parameter estimation in large dynamic paired comparison experiments," Applied Statistics, 48, 377-394.
  10. Glickman ME, Normand SL (2000). "The derivation of a latent threshold instrumental variables model," Statistica Sinica, 10, 517-544.
  11. Gelman A, Glickman ME (2000). "Some class-participation demonstrations for introductory probability and statistics," The Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 25, 84-100.
  12. Glickman ME (2001). "Dynamic paired comparison models with stochastic variances." Journal of Applied Statistics, 28, 673-689.
  13. Glickman ME, Gagnon DR (2002). "Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies." Lifetime Data Analysis, 8, 211-228.
  14. Berlowitz DR, Ash AS, Hickey EC, Glickman ME, Friedman R, Kader B (2003). "Hypertension management in patients with diabetes: the need for more aggressive therapy." Diabetes Care, 26, 355-359.
  15. Gagnon DR, Glickman ME, Myers RH, Cupples AL (2003). "The analysis of survival data with a non-susceptible fraction and dual censoring mechanisms." Statistics in Medicine, 22, 3249-3262.
  16. Rao, RS, Glickman ME, Glynn RJ (2004). "Use of covariates and survey wave to adjust for nonresponse." The Biometrical Journal, 46, 579-588.
  17. Glickman ME, Jensen ST (2005). "Adaptive paired comparison design." Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 127, 279-293.
  18. Glickman ME, Kao MF (2005). "Apo-E genotypes and cardiovascular diseases: A sensitivity study using cross-validatory criteria." The Biometrical Journal, 47, 541-553.
  19. Glickman ME, Gray JR, Morales C (2005). "Combining speed and accuracy to assess error-free cognitive processes" with discussion and rejoinder. Psychometrika, 70, 405-432.
  20. Berlowitz DR, Ash AS, Glickman ME, Friedman RH, Pogach LM, Nelson AL, Wong A (2005). "Developing a quality measure for clinical inertia in diabetes care." Health Services Research, 40, 1836-1853.
  21. Borzecki AB, Glickman ME, Kader B, Berlowitz DR (2006). "The effect of age on hypertension control and management" American Journal of Hypertension, 19, 520-527.
  22. Philipov A, and Glickman ME (2006) "Multivariate stochastic volatility via Wishart processes." Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 24, 313-328.
  23. Philipov A, Glickman ME (2006). "Factor multivariate stochastic volatility via Wishart processes." Econometric Reviews, 25, 311-334.
  24. Whittle J, Kressin NR, Orner MB, Glickman ME, Mazella M, Petersen LA (2006). "Racial differences in prevalence of coronary obstructions among men with positive nuclear imaging studies" Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 47(1), 2034-41.
  25. Chabris CF, Glickman ME (2006) "Sex differences in intellectual performance: Analysis of a large cohort of competitive chess players" Psychological Science, 17, 1009-1107.
  26. Oates DJ, Berlowitz DR, Glickman ME, Silliman RA, Borzecki AM (2007). "Blood pressure and survival amongst the oldest old." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 55, 383-388.
  27. Govindarajulu US, Glickman ME, D'Agostino RB (2007). "Modeling frailty as a function of observed covariates." Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 1, 117-135.
  28. Kressin NR, Glickman ME, Peterson ED, Whittle J, Orner MB, Petersen LA (2007). "Functional status outcomes among white and African American cardiac patients in an equal access system" American Heart Journal, 153, 418-425.
  29. Rao RS, Glickman ME, Glynn RJ (2008). "Stopping rules for surveys with multiple waves of non-respondent follow-up." Statistics in Medicine, 27(12), 2196-2213.
  30. Glickman ME (2008) "Bayesian locally-optimal design of knockout tournaments." Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138, 2117-2127.
  31. Glickman ME, Seal P, Eisen SV (2009). "A non-parametric Bayesian diagnostic for detecting differential item functioning in IRT models." Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 9(3), 145-161.
  32. Glickman ME (2009). Comment on "Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of Hitting Performance in Baseball" by Jensen, Shane T., McShane, Blakeley B., and Wyner, Abraham J. Bayesian Analysis, 4, 661-664. doi:10.1214/09-BA424B
  33. Lesser LM, Glickman ME (2009). "Using magic in the teaching of probability and statistics." Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 4(4), 265-274. doi:10.3233/mas-2009-0137
  34. Kressin NR, Orner MB, Manze M, Glickman ME, Berlowitz DR (2009). "Understanding contributors to racial disparities in blood pressure control." Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 3(2), 173-80. doi:10.1161/circoutcomes.109.860841
  35. Fasoli D, Glickman ME, and Eisen SV (2010). "Predisposing characteristics, enabling resources and need as predictors of utilization and clinical outcomes for veterans receiving mental health services." Medical Care, 48(4), 288-295. doi:10.1097/mlr.0b013e3181cafbe3
  36. Eisen SV, Seal P, Glickman ME, Cortes DE, Gerena M, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Febo V, Soto J, Magana C, Canino G (2010). "Psychometric properties of the Spanish BASIS-24 mental health survey." Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 37(1), 124-143. doi:10.1007/s11414-009-9170-6
  37. Van Cott AC, Cramer JA, Copeland LA, Zeber JE, Steinman MA, Dersh JJ, Glickman ME, Mortensen EM, Amuan ME, Pugh MJ (2010). "Suicidality in older patients with new anti-epileptic drug use: Data from the VA hospital system." BMC Medicine, 8(1). doi:10.1186/1741-7015-8-4
  38. Rosen AK, Chatterjee S, Glickman ME, Spiro A, Seal P, Eisen SV (2010). "Improving risk adjustment of self-reported mental health outcomes." Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. 37 (3), 291-306. doi:10.1007/s11414-009-9196-9
  39. Boehmer U, Clark M, Glickman ME, Timm A, Sullivan M, Bradford J, Bowen D. (2010). "Using cancer registry data for recruitment of sexual minority women: Successes and limitations." Journal of Women's Health, 19(7), 1289-1297. doi:10.1089/jwh.2009.1744
  40. Rose A, Glickman ME, D'Amore MM, Orner MB, Berlowitz D, Kressin NR (2011). "Effects of daily adherence to anti-hypertensive medication on blood pressure control" Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 13(6), 416-421. doi:10.1111/j.1751-7176.2011.00427.x
  41. Eisen SV, Bottonari KA, Glickman ME, Schultz MR, Spiro A, Herz L, Rosenheck R, Rofman ES (2011). "The incremental value of self-reported mental health measures in predicting functional outcomes of veterans." Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 38(2), 170-190. doi:10.1007/s11414-010-9216-9
  42. Boehmer U, Mertz M, Timm A, Glickman ME, Sullivan M, Potter J (2011). "Overweight and obesity in long-term breast cancer survivors: How does sexual orientation impact BMI?" Cancer Investigation, 29(3), 220-228. doi:10.3109/07357907.2010.550664
  43. Boehmer U, Clark MA, Timm A, Glickman ME, Sullivan M (2011). "Comparing sexual minority cancer survivors recruited through a cancer registry to convenience methods of recruitment." Women's Health Issues, 21(5), 345-352. doi:10.1016/j.whi.2011.03.003
  44. Vogt D, Vaughn R, Glickman ME, Schultz M, Drainoni ML, Elwy R, Eisen SV (2011). "Gender differences in combat-related stressors and their association with postdeployment mental health in a nationally representative sample of U.S. OEF/OIF Veterans." Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120(4), 797-806. doi:10.1037/a0023452
  45. Dossa A, Glickman ME, Berlowitz D (2011). "Association between mental health conditions and rehospitalization, mortality, and functional outcomes in patients with stroke following inpatient rehabilitation." BMC Health Serv Res. 11(1). doi:10.1186/1472-6963-11-311
  46. Boehmer U, Glickman ME, Milton J, Winter M (2012). "Health-related quality of life in breast cancer survivors of different sexual orientations." Quality of Life Research, 21(2), 225-236. doi:10.1007/s11136-011-9947-y
  47. Boehmer U, Glickman ME, Winter M (2012). "Anxiety and depression in breast cancer survivors of different sexual orientations." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(3), 382-395. doi:10.1037/a0027494
  48. Eisen SV, Schultz MR, Vogt D, Glickman ME, Elwy AR, Drainoni ML, Osei-Bonsu PE, Martin J (2012). "Mental and physical health status, alcohol and drug use following return from deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan." American Journal of Public Health, Mar; 102(S1):S66-S73. doi:10.2105/ajph.2011.300609
  49. Avery C, Glickman ME, Hoxby C, Metrick A (2013). "A revealed preference ranking of US colleges and universities." The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 128(1), 425-467. doi:10.1093/qje/qjs043
  50. Boehmer U, Glickman ME, Winter M, Clark MA (2013). "Long-term breast cancer survivors' symptoms and morbidity: Differences by sexual orientation?" Journal of Cancer Survivorship: Research and Practice, 7(2), 203-210. doi:10.1007/s11764-012-0260-8
  51. Hoaglin DC, Filonenko A, Glickman ME, Wasiak R, Gidwani R (2013). "Use of multiple treatment comparison methods in estimating efficacy of treatments for heavy menstrual bleeding." European Journal of Medical Research 18(1), 17. doi:10.1186/2047-783x-18-17
  52. Boehmer U, Glickman ME, Winter M, Clark MA (2013). "Breast cancer survivors of different sexual orientations: Which factors explain survivors' quality of life and adjustment?" Annals of Oncology 7(2), 203-10. doi:10.1093/annonc/mdt035
  53. Boehmer U, Glickman ME, Winter M, Clark MA (2013). "Lesbian and bisexual women's adjustment after a breast cancer diagnosis." Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 19(5), 280-92. doi:10.1177/1078390313504587
  54. Elwy AR, Glickman ME, Bokhour BG, Dell NS, Mueller NM, Zhao S, Osei-Bonsu PE, Rodrigues S, Coldwell CM, Ngo TA, Schlosser J, Vielhauer MJ, Pirraglia PA, Eisen SV (2013). "Using mixed methods to examine the role of Veterans' illness perceptions on depression treatment utilization and HEDIS concordance." Medical Care, 54(6), e35-e42. doi:10.1097/mlr.0000000000000056
  55. Osei-Bonsu PE, Bokhour BG, Glickman ME, Rodrigues S, Mueller NM, Dell NS, Zhao S, Eisen SV, Elwy AR (2014). "The role of coping in depression treatment utilization for VA primary care patients." Patient Educ Couns. 94(3), 396-402. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2013.10.021
  56. Rodrigues S, Bokhour B, Mueller N, Osei-Bonsu PE, Zhao S, Glickman ME, Eisen SV, Elwy RA (2014). "Impact of Stigma on Veteran Treatment Seeking for Depression." American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 17(2), 128-146. doi:10.1080/15487768.2014.903875
  57. Plumb D, Bormann J, Beck D, Glickman ME, Zhao S, Osei-Bonsu P, Johnston J, Elwy R (2014). "Meditation-Based Mantram Repetition Program for Veterans with PTSD: A Randomized Controlled Trial in the VA Healthcare System." J Altern Complement Med. 20(5):A10. doi:10.1089/acm.2014.5022.abstract
  58. Glickman ME, Rao SR, Schultz MR (2014). "False discovery rate control is a recommended alternative to Bonferroni-type adjustments in health studies." Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 67(8), 850-857. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2014.03.012
  59. Boehmer U, Glickman ME, Winter M, Clark MA (2014). "Coping and benefit finding among long-term breast cancer survivors of different sexual orientations." Women & Therapy, 37(3-4), 222-241. doi:10.1080/02703149.2014.897548
  60. Schultz MR, Glickman ME, Eisen SV (2014). "Predictors of Decline in Overall Mental Health, PTSD and Alcohol Abuse in OEF/OIF Veterans." Comprehensive Psychiatry. 55(7), 1654-64. doi:10.1016/j.comppsych.2014.06.003
  61. Eisen SV, Schultz MR, Glickman ME, Vogt D, Martin J, Osei-Bonsu PE, Drainoni ML, Elwy AR (2014). "Postdeployment resilience as a predictor of subsequent mental health in veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan." American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 47(6), 754-61.
  62. Manze MG, Orner MB, Glickman ME, Pbert L, Berlowitz D, Kressin NR (2015). "Brief provider communication skills training fails to impact patient hypertension outcomes." Patient Education and Couseling. 98(2), 191-8. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2014.10.014
  63. Glickman ME , Hennessy J (2015). "A stochastic rank ordered logit model for rating multi-competitor games and sports." Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 11(3), 131-144. doi:10.1515/jqas-2015-0012
  64. Smelson DA, Chinman M, McCarthy S, Hannah G, Sawh L, and Glickman ME (2015). "A cluster randomized Hybrid Type III trial testing an implementation support strategy to facilitate the use of an evidence-based practice in VA homeless programs." Implementation Science 10(1). doi:10.1186/s13012-015-0267-4
  65. Albert J, and Glickman ME (2015). "Attracting Undergraduates to Statistics Through Data Science." Online supplement discussion of "Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up" by George Cobb. The American Statistician, 69.
  66. Glickman ME, Rao SR, Schultz MR (2016). Response to letter by Frane: "False discovery rate control is not always a replacement for Bonferroni-type adjustment." Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 69(1), 260-261. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2015.05.028
  67. Kressin NR, Long JA, Glickman ME, Bokhour BG, Orner MB, Clark C, Rothendler JA, Berlowitz DR (2016). "A Brief, Multifaceted, Generic Intervention to Improve Blood Pressure Control and Reduce Disparities Had Little Effect." Ethnicity and Disease, 26(1), 27-36. doi:10.18865/ed.26.1.27
  68. Hennessy J, Glickman ME (2016). "Bayesian optimal design of fixed knockout tournament brackets." Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 12(1), 1-15. doi:10.1515/jqas-2015-0033
  69. Ellison ML, Schutt RK, Glickman ME, Schultz MR, Chinman M, Jensen K, Mitchell-Miland C, Smelson D and Eisen S (2016). "Patterns and predictors of engagement in peer support among homeless veterans with mental health conditions and substance use histories." Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 39(3), 266-273. doi:10.1037/prj0000221
  70. Boehmer U, Glickman ME, Jones JA, Orner MB, Berlowitz DR, and Kressin NR (2016). "Dental care in an equal access system valuing equity: Are there racial disparities?" Medical Care, 54(11), 998-1004. doi:10.1097/mlr.0000000000000569
  71. Elwy AR, Itani KFM, Bokhour BG, Mueller NM, Glickman ME, Zhao S, Rosen AK, Lynge D, Perkal M, Brotschi EA, Sanchez VM, and Gallagher TH (2016). "Surgeon's disclosures of clinical adverse events." JAMA Surgery, 151(11), 1015-1021.
  72. Glickman ME, Hennessy J, and Bent A (2018). "A comparison of rating systems for competitive women's beach volleyball." Italian Journal of Applied Statistics, (2), 233-254.
  73. Lopez DS, Glickman ME, Soumerai SB, and Hemenway D (2018). "Identifying factors related to a hit-and-run after a vehicle-bicycle collison." Journal of Transport and Health, 8, 299-306. doi:10.1016/j.jth.2017.10.005
  74. Swan H, Reisman J, McDannold S, Glickman ME, McInnes DK, Gifford AL (2018). "The relationship between gastrointestinal symptom attribution, bothersomeness, and antiretroviral adherence among adults with HIV." AIDS Care, 30(8), 997–1003. doi:10.1080/09540121.2018.1437254
  75. Bormann JE, Thorp SR, Smith E, Glickman ME, Beck D, Plumb D, Zhao S, Ackland PE, Rodgers CS, Heppner P, Herz LR, Elwy AR (2018). "Individual treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder using mantram repetition: A randomized clinical trial." American Journal of Psychiatry, 175(10), 979-988. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2018.17060611
  76. Glickman ME, Brown JI, and Song RB (2019). "(A) Data in the Life: Authorship Attribution of Lennon-McCartney Songs." Harvard Data Science Review. doi:10.1162/99608f92.130f856e
  77. Kressin NR, Elwy AR, Glickman ME, Orner MB, Fix GM, Borzecki A, Katz LA, Cortes DE, Cohn ES, Barker A, Bohkour BG (2019). "Beyond Medication Adherence: The Role of Patients' Beliefs and Life Context in Blood Pressure Control." Ethnicity and Disease, 29(4), 567-576. doi:10.18865/ed.29.4.567
  78. Gillmeyer KR, Rinne ST, Glickman ME, Lee KM, Shao Q, Qian SX, Klings ES, Maron BA, Hanlon JT, Miller DR, Wiener RS (2019). "Factors Associated with Potentially Inappropriate Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitor Use for Pulmonary Hypertension in the US, 2006-2015." Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 13(5). doi:10.1161/circoutcomes.119.005993
  79. Ellison ML, Schutt R, Yuan L, Mitchell-Miland C, Glickman ME, McCarthy S, Smelson D, Schultz M, Chinman M (2020). "Impact of peer specialist services on residential stability and behavioral health status among formerly homeless veterans with co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions." Medical Care, 58(4), 307-313. doi:10.1097/mlr.0000000000001284
  80. Wassermann G, and Glickman ME (2020). "Automated Harmonization of Bass Lines from Bach Chorales: A Hybrid Approach." Computer Music Journal, 43(2-3), 142-157. doi:10.1162/comj_a_00523
  81. Gillmeyer KR, Miller DR, Glickman ME, Qian SX, Klings ES, Maron BA, Hanlon JT, Rinne ST, Wiener RS (2021). "Outcomes of pulmonary vasodilator use in Veterans with pulmonary hypertension associated with left heart disease and lung disease." Pulmonary Circulation, 11(2), 20458940211001714. doi:10.1177/20458940211001714
  82. Campos LF, Glickman ME, and Hunter KB (2021). "Measuring Effects of Medication Adherence on Time-Varying Health Outcomes using Bayesian Dynamic Linear Models." Biostatistics, 22(3), 662-683. doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxz059
  83. Núñez ER, Caverly TJ, Zhang S, Glickman ME, Qian SX, Boudreau JH, Slatore CG, Miller DR, Wiener RS (2021). "Adherence to Follow-up Testing Recommendations in US Veterans Screened for Lung Cancer, 2015-2019." JAMA Network Open, 4(7), e2116233. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.16233
  84. Hunter KB, Glickman ME, and Campos LF (2022). "Inferring medication adherence from time-varying health outcomes." Statistics in Medicine, 41(12), 2205-2226. doi:10.1002/sim.9351
  85. Núñez ER, Tanner JC, Zhang S, Glickman ME, Qian SX, Boudreau JH, Miller DR, and Wiener RS (2022). "Invasive Procedures and Associated Complications Following Initial Lung Cancer Screening in a National Cohort of Veterans." Chest, 162(2), 475-484.
  86. Mozer R, and Glickman ME (2022). "Bayesian analysis of longitudinal studies with treatment by indication." Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 1-24. doi:10.1007/s10742-022-00295-7
  87. McKeough K, and Glickman ME (2024). "Plackett-Luce Modeling with Trajectory Models for Measuring Athlete Strength." Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 20(1), 21-35. doi:10.1515/jqas-2021-0034
  88. Che J, and Glickman ME (2024). "Athlete rating in multi-competitor games with scored outcomes via monotone transformations." Annals of Applied Statistics, 18(2), 1236-1252. doi:10.1214/23-AOAS1832
  89. Glickman ME, and Zhang Y (2024). "AI and Generative AI for Research Discovery and Summarization." Harvard Data Science Review, 6(2). doi:10.1162/99608f92.7f9220ff
  90. Huo R, and Glickman ME (2024). "ROC analysis for paired comparison data." To appear in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series A.
  91. Glickman ME (2024) and Jones AC. "Models and rating systems for head-to-head competition." To appear in Annual Review of Statistics and its Application.

Manuscripts under Review


  1. Handbook of Statistical Methods and Analyses in Sports (2017) Edited by Jim Albert, Mark E. Glickman, Tim B. Swartz and Ruud H. Koning. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN 978-1-4987-3736-4.

Book Chapters

  1. Glickman ME, Stern HS (2005). "A state-space model for National Football League scores." In Anthology of Statistics in Sports (Edited by Jim Albert, Jay Bennett, and James J. Cochran). ASA-SIAM Series on Statistics and Applied Probability., Philadelphia, PA. ISBN 0-89871-587-3. pp 23-34.
  2. Glickman ME, van Dyk DA (2007). "Basic Bayesian methods." In Topics in Biostatistics (Methods in Molecular Biology). Edited by Walter Ambrosius. The Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ. ISBN 1-58829-531-1. pp 319-338.
  3. Glickman ME, Stern HS (2017). "Estimating team strength in the NFL." In Handbook of Statistical Methods and Analyses in Sports. Edited by Jim Albert, Mark E. Glickman, Tim B. Swartz and Ruud H. Koning. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN 978-1-4987-3736-4. pp 113-136.

Other Original Manuscripts

  1. Hoaglin DC and Glickman ME (1991), "Sensitivity analyses of potential adjustments," Report to the Special Advisory Panel on the Census Undercount, U.S. Department of Commerce, June 21, 1991.
  2. Glickman ME and Stern HS (1994), "Inference from an autoregressive state-space model via iterative simulation," Proceedings of the 1994 Joint Statistical Meetings: Statistics in Sports Section, 72-76.
  3. Glickman ME(1995), "Becoming a chessmaster - the development of a rating system for tournament chess players" with discussion, Proceedings of the 1995 Joint Statistical Meetings: Statistics in Sports Section, 6-15.
  4. Glickman ME(1995), "Chess Rating Systems," American Chess Journal, 3, 59-102.
  5. Glickman ME and Jones AC (1998), "The United States Chess Federation Rating System: Current issues and recent developments." Proceedings of the 1998 Joint Statistical Meetings, Section on Statistics in Sports.
  6. Glickman ME (1998), STATS Parodies in "Outlier..s," Stats , 21, 26-27.
  7. Glickman ME (1998), STATS Parodies in "Outlier..s," Stats , 22, 28-29.
  8. Rao RS, Glickman ME, and Glynn RJ (1998), "Using multiple imputation for the analysis of a multi-wave survey with non-response," Proceedings of the 1998 Joint Statistical Meetings, Section on Epidemiology.
  9. Glickman ME, Jones AC (1999). "Rating the chess rating system," Chance, 12, 2, 21-28.
  10. Glickman ME (1999). "Rating Competitors in Online Games," The ISBA Newsletter, 6, 8-9.
  11. Glickman ME (1999). Letter to the editor. Chance, 12, 4, 3-5.
  12. Evans S, Glickman ME (2008). "New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports," Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 4 (2), Article 1.
  13. Glickman ME, Evans S (2010). "The 2009 New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports," Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 6 (2), Article 13.
  14. Glickman ME, Ittenbach R, Nick TG, O'Brien R, Ratcliffe SJ, Shults J (2010). "Statistical consulting with limited resources: Applications to practice," Chance, 23(4), 35-42.

  15. Evans S, Glickman ME (2012). "Statistics in sports symposium draws enthusiasm," AmStat News, January 2012, 415, 15.

  16. Glickman ME (2013). "Introductory note to 1928 (The calculation of the results of a tournament as a maximum problem in the calculus of probabilities)." In Collected works of Ernst Zermelo, vol 2, Heinz Dieter Ebbinhaus and Akihiro Kanamori, editors. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 616-671.

  17. Evans S, Glickman ME (2013). "New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports Bridges Gaps," AmStat News, November 2013, 437, 13.

  18. Glickman ME, Sonas J (2015). "Introduction to the NCAA men's basketball prediction methods issue," Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 11(1), 1-3.

  19. Chase HW and Glickman ME (2016). "The analytics of getting sacked: Coach firings in the National Football League," Significance, 13, 34-37.

  20. Shaw L and Glickman ME (2019). "Dynamic analysis of team strategy in professional football." Barça sports analytics summit, 13.
  21. Benjamini Y, De Veaux RD, Efron B, Evans S, Glickman ME, Graubard BI, He X, Meng XL, Reid N, Stigler SM, Vardeman SB, Wikle CK, Wright T, Young LJ, Kafadar K (2021). "ASA President's Task Force Statement on Statistical Significance and Replicability." Chance, 34(4), 10-11.

Doctoral Thesis

Glickman, Mark E.(1993), "Paired comparison models with time-varying parameters," Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Statistics, Harvard University.

Unpublished Manuscripts

  1. Glickman ME (1991). "A Bayesian paired comparison model for rating chess players," Technical Report, Department of Statistics, Harvard University.
  2. Glickman ME (1994). "An efficient Gibbs sampler for fitting a normal state-space model," Technical Report, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School.
  3. Glickman ME , Chabris C (1996). "Using chess ratings as data in psychological research."
  4. Glickman ME , Chabris C (2009). "Comparing extreme members is a low-power method of comparing groups: An example using sex differences in chess performance."

Selected Presentations

  1. "Time-varying parameters in paired comparison models" - contributed paper session at the 1992 Joint Statistical Meetings (Boston, MA). August, 1992.
  2. "A critical evaluation of the linkage procedure used in development of the resource-based relative value scale" - Stanford University Department of Biostatistics (Palo Alto, CA). January, 1993. Invited talk.
  3. "Efficient Gibbs sampling for the analysis of normal state-space models, with an application to the prediction of NFL scores" - Bayesian working seminar, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health (Boston, MA). October, 1993. Invited talk.
  4. "Inference from stochastic simulation: Rejection sampling, the Metropolis algorithm, and the Gibbs sampler" - Abt Associates Inc. (Cambridge, MA). November, 1993. Invited talk.
  5. "Inference from an autoregressive state-space model via the Gibbs sampler" - poster session at the 5th Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics (Valencia, Spain). June, 1994.
  6. "Causal inference from observational data using an instrumental variables approach" - Bayesian working seminar, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health (Boston, MA). September, 1994. Invited talk.
  7. "Causal inference from observational data using an instrumental variables approach" - University of Connecticut Department of Statistics colloquium (Storrs, CT). November, 1994. Invited talk.
  8. "Towards the construction of a chess rating system" - Yale University Department of Statistics consulting seminar (New Haven, CT). November, 1994. Invited talk.
  9. "A latent threshold framework for instrumental variables models" - University of Minnesota, Division of Biostatistics (Minneapolis, MN). January, 1995. Invited talk.
  10. "A latent threshold framework for instrumental variables models" - Boston University, Department of Mathematics (Boston, MA). April, 1995. Invited talk.
  11. "A latent threshold framework for instrumental variables models" - Abt Associates Inc (Cambridge, MA). April, 1995. Invited talk.
  12. "Becoming a chessmaster - the development of a rating system for tournament chess players" - 1995 Joint Statistical Meetings (Orlando, FL). August, 1995. Invited talk.
  13. "Modeling mortality rates for elderly heart attack patients; Profiling hospitals in the Cooperative Cardiovascular Project" - 1995 Bayesian Statistics in Science and Technology: Case Studies, Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA). October, 1995. Invited talk (jointly with Sharon-Lise T. Normand and Thomas Ryan).
  14. "Becoming a chessmaster - the development of a rating system for tournament chess players" - University of Maryland Baltimore County, Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Baltimore, MD). March, 1996. Invited talk.
  15. "Probabilistic rating systems for tournament chess players - How to beat your sister at chess" - Boston University, Department of Mathematics (Boston, MA). April, 1996. Invited talk.
  16. "The development of a rating system for tournament chess players" - University of Pennsylvania, Department of Statistics (Philadelphia, PA). September, 1996. Invited talk.
  17. "Parameter estimation in large dynamic paired comparison models" - Harvard University, Department of Statistics (Cambridge, MA). October, 1996. Invited talk.
  18. "Bayesian Methods I" - an introduction to Bayesian Statistics for BIO269 at the Harvard School of Publich Health (Boston, MA). April, 1997. Invited guest lecture.
  19. "Parameter estimation in large dynamic paired comparison models" - New Researchers Conference (Laramie, Wyoming). July, 1997. Invited talk.
  20. Discussion of "Comparing predictive performance for binary outcome models: Logistic regression, classification trees, and neural networks" - Joint Statistical Meetings (Anaheim, CA). August, 1997.
  21. "Predicting football scores using state-space models" - Joint Statistical Meetings (Anaheim, CA). August, 1997.
  22. "Modeling speed versus accuracy" - presentation for Statistics/Psychology lunchtime seminar at Harvard University (Cambridge, MA). January, 1998. Invited talk.
  23. "Comparing chess players" - 1998 American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual (AAAS) Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition (Philadelphia, PA). February, 1998. Invited talk.
  24. "Parameter estimation in large dynamic paired comparison experiments" - University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Department of Mathematics (Amherst, MA). March 1998. Invited talk.
  25. "The error-free mean reaction time as a measure of human performance" - poster session at the 6th Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics (Valencia, Spain). June, 1998.
  26. "Parameter estimation in large dynamic paired comparison experiments" - University of New Hampshire, Department of Mathematics (Durham, NH). November, 1998. Invited talk.
  27. "Parameter estimation in large dynamic paired comparison experiments" - University of Montreal, Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Montreal, QC). March, 1999. Invited talk.
  28. "Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies" - McGill University, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology (Montreal, QC). March, 1999. Invited talk.
  29. "Stochastic volatility models for paired comparison data" - Joint Statistical Meetings (Baltimore, MD). August, 1999.
  30. "Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies" - Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA). February, 2000. Invited talk.
  31. "Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies" - Department of Statistics, University of California, Davis (Davis, CA). March, 2000. Invited talk.
  32. "Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies" - New England Statistics Symposium (Providence, RI). April, 2000.
  33. "Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies" - The 6th World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (Hersonissos, Crete). June, 2000. Invited talk.
  34. "Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies" - Statistics in the 21st Century (Orono, ME). July, 2000. Invited talk.
  35. "ESP, Telepathy, and Probability: Learning how to Read Minds in Three Easy Steps" - Mathematics Field Day at Boston University (Boston, MA). October, 2000. Invited talk.
  36. "How good am I? Rating competitors in games and sports" - Boston Chapter of the American Statistical Association Evening Lecture series. November, 2000. Invited talk.
  37. "Simplified algorithms for fitting dynamic paired comparison models" - Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences, Duke University (Durham, NC). December, 2000. Invited talk.
  38. "Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies" - MAVERIC Seminars in Epidemiology (Boston, MA). January, 2001. Invited talk.
  39. "ESP, Telepathy, and Probability: Learning how to Read Minds in Three Easy Steps" - Newton South High School (Newton, MA). January, 2001. Invited talk.
  40. "Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies" - Center for Statistical Sciences, Brown University (Providence, RI). February, 2001. Invited talk.
  41. "Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies" - Division of Biostatistics, Yale University (New Haven, CT). February, 2001. Invited talk.
  42. "Dynamic paired comparison models with stochastic variances" -- Department of Statistics, University of Missouri - Columbia (Columbia, MO). March, 2001. Invited talk.
  43. "Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies" - University of Pennsylvania, Department of Statistics (Philadelphia, PA). April, 2001. Invited talk.
  44. "How good am I? Rating competitors in games and sports" - Williams College, Department of Mathematics (Williams, MA). April, 2001. Invited talk.
  45. "Magic tricks in the probability and statistics classroom" - Joint Statistical Meetings (Atlanta, GA). August, 2001.
  46. "Rating colleges through choice modeling" - poster session at the 2001 Bayesian Statistics in Science and Technology: Case Studies, Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA). September, 2001.
  47. "ESP, Telepathy, and Probability: Learning how to Read Minds in Three Easy Steps" - Mathematics Field Day at Boston University (Boston, MA). October, 2001. Invited talk.
  48. "Inferring response times of a latent, error-free cognitive process" - University of Chicago, Department of Statistics (Chicago, IL). October, 2001. Invited talk.
  49. "Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies" - Center for Health Quality, Outcomes and Economics Research (Bedford, MA). November, 2001. Invited talk.
  50. "Live action statistics: Enhancing statistics classes with magic tricks and songs" - Department of Statistics, Harvard University (Cambridge, MA). December, 2001. Invited talk.
  51. "Inferring response times of a latent, error-free cognitive process" - Harvard School of Public Health, Bayesian Methodology Working Group (Boston, MA). December, 2001. Invited talk.
  52. "Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies" - Williams College, Department of Mathematics. February, 2002. Invited talk.
  53. "Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies" - University of New Mexico, Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Albuquerque, NM). April, 2002. Invited talk.
  54. "Inferring response times of a latent, error-free cognitive process" - North Carolina State University, Department of Statistics (Raleigh, NC). May, 2002. Invited talk.
  55. "Rating colleges through choice modeling" - poster session at the 7th Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics (Valencia, Spain). June, 2002.
  56. "Inferring response times of a latent, error-free cognitive process" - Rand Corporation (Santa Monica, CA). July, 2002. Invited talk.
  57. "Multivariate stochastic volatility via Wishart random walks" - poster session at the First Cape Cod Workshop on Monte Carlo Methods (Hyannis, MA). September 2002.
  58. "Missing data tutorial: How to analyze what's not there" - post-doc seminar series, Center for Health Quality, Outcomes and Economics Research (Bedford, MA). December, 2002. Invited talk.
  59. "Combining speed and accuracy to assess error-free cognitive processes" - Department of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health (Boston, MA). January, 2003. Invited talk.
  60. "Combining speed and accuracy to assess error-free cognitive processes" - Government/Statistics seminar series, Harvard University (Cambridge, MA). February, 2003. Invited talk.
  61. "Measuring the effect of Apo-E genotypes on cardiovascular disease events in the Framingham Heart Study" - International Biometrics Society (ENAR) 2003 Spring Meeting (Tampa, FL). April, 2003.
  62. "Measuring the effect of Apo-E genotypes on cardiovascular disease events in the Framingham Heart Study" - National Cancer Institute (Bethesda, MD). June, 2003. Invited talk.
  63. "Adaptive paired comparison design: Separating the best from the rest" - Joint Statistical Meetings (San Francisco, CA). August, 2003. Invited talk.
  64. "Measuring the effect of Apo-E genotypes on cardiovascular disease events in the Framingham Heart Study" - poster session at the 2003 Bayesian Statistics in Science and Technology: Case Studies, Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA). September, 2003.
  65. "Adaptive paired comparison design" - Boston University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Boston, MA). September, 2003. Invited talk.
  66. "Adaptive paired comparison design" - Harvard School of Public Health, Bayesian Methodology Working Group (Boston, MA). November, 2003. Invited talk.
  67. "Adaptive paired comparison design" - Statistics and Sports - IMS Meeting, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Worcester, MA). November, 2003. Invited talk.
  68. "Adaptive paired comparison design" - Los Alamos National Labs (Los Alamos, NM). April, 2004. Invited talk.
  69. "Adaptive paired comparison design" - poster session at the 2004 World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (Vina del Mar, Chile). May, 2004.
  70. "Apo-E genotypes and cardiovascular diseases: A sensitivity study" - Joint Statistical Meetings (Toronto, Ontario). August, 2004.
  71. "Adaptive paired comparison design" - Department of Statistics, University of Georgia (Athens, GA). November, 2004. Invited talk.
  72. "Apo-E genotypes and cardiovascular diseases: Fitting complex genetic epidemiologic models with MCMC" - 2nd IMS-ISBA Joint Meetings (Bormio, Italy). January, 2005. Poster session.
  73. "Classification and Regression Trees: An important statistical tool for health researchers" - HSR&D 2005 National Meeting (Baltimore, MD). February, 2005. Invited workshop.
  74. "Incorporating magic tricks into probability and statistics lectures" - Department of Mathematics, Smith College (Northampton, MA). October, 2005. Invited talk.
  75. "Bayesian design of knockout tournaments" - Valencia/ISBA Eighth World Meeting on Bayesian Statistics (Benidorm, Spain). June, 2006. Poster session.
  76. "Bayesian optimal design of knockout tournaments" - International Chinese Statistical Association 2006 Applied Statistics Symposium, University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT). Invited talk.
  77. "Combining speed and accuracy to assess error-free cognitive processes" - Joint Statistical Meetings (Seattle, WA). August, 2006. Invited talk.
  78. "Bayesian optimal design of knockout tournaments" - Department of Statistics, University of California, Irvine (Irvine, CA). September, 2006. Invited talk.
  79. "Bayesian optimal design of knockout tournaments" - Department of Mathmatics and Statistics, San Diego State University (San Diego, CA). September, 2006. Invited talk.
  80. "Bayesian optimal design of knockout tournaments" - Department of Statistics, Harvard University (Cambridge, MA). December, 2006. Invited talk.
  81. "Selected topics in Bayesian Statistics" - Yale Center for Clinical Investigations, Yale School of Medicine (New Haven, CT). February, 2007. Invited talk.
  82. "Differential item functioning in a graded response IRT model: a Bayesian approach to item discrimination" - International Biometrics Society (ENAR) 2007 Spring Meeting (Atlanta, GA). March, 2007. Invited talk.
  83. "Differential item functioning in a graded response IRT model: a Bayesian approach to item discrimination" - Department of Biostatistics, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health (New York, NY). March, 2007. Invited talk.
  84. "It's all fair game: Consulting for an online competitive entertainment company" - - Joint Statistical Meetings (Salt Lake City, UT), August, 2007. Invited talk.
  85. "Bayesian locally-optimal design of knockout tournaments" - International Conference on Advances in Interdisciplinary Statistics and Combinatorics (Greensboro, NC). October, 2007. Invited plenary talk.
  86. "Bayesian locally-optimal design of knockout tournaments" - Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (Baltimore, MD). February, 2008. Invited talk.
  87. "Differential item functioning in a graded response IRT model: a Bayesian approach to item discrimination" - HSR&D 2008 National Meeting (Baltimore, MD). February, 2008. Invited talk.
  88. "Bayesian locally-optimal design of knockout tournaments" - Department of Biostatistics, Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, MA). March, 2008. Invited talk.
  89. "Chess ratings: An insider's perspective" - Boylston Chess Club (Somerville, MA). April, 2008. Invited talk.
  90. "Separating the best from the rest: Scheduling a tournament as a Bayesian locally-optimal design" - 9th World Conference of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (Hamilton Island, Australia). July, 2008. Invited talk.
  91. "Bayesian locally-optimal design of knockout tournaments" - Department of Statistics, University of Auckland (Auckland, New Zealand). July, 2008. Invited talk.
  92. "Differential item functioning in a graded response IRT model: A Bayesian approach to item discrimination" - Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA). October, 2008. Invited talk.
  93. "Problem solving in statistical consulting with limited time and a limited budget" - Joint Statistical Meetings (Washington, DC). August, 2009.
  94. "Rating the competition: Lessons from the world of tournament chess" - Joint Statistical Meetings (Washington, DC). August, 2009. Invited talk.
  95. "A practical introduction to Bayesian Statistics" - International Biometrics Society (ENAR) 2010 Spring Meeting (New Orleans, LA). March, 2010. Invited short course.
  96. "Paired comparison models with tie probabilities and order effects as a function of strength" - New England Statistics Symposium (Cambridge, MA). April, 2010. Invited talk.
  97. Discussion of "Social Network Analysis: Methods and Examples" - Joint Statistical Meetings (Vancouver, BC). August, 2010.
  98. "Bayesian Statistics: A Practical Introduction" - Short course hosted by the Boston Chapter of the American Statistical Association (Natick, MA). October, 2010.
  99. "Paired comparison models with tie probabilities and order effects as a function of strength" - Poster session at the Fourth International IMS/ISBA Joint Meeting (Park City, UT). January, 2011.
  100. "Edging out the competition: An introduction to measuring playing strength in games and sports" - BCASA Statistics Career Day (Boston, MA). March, 2011. Invited talk.
  101. USCOTS Theater: Incorporating magic tricks into Statistics classes - United States Conference On Teaching Statistics (Cary, NC). May, 2011. Invited talk.
  102. "Multiple testing: Is slicing significance levels producing statistical bologna?" Department of Quantitative Health Sciences lunchtime seminar, University of Massachusetts Medical School (Worcester, MA). June, 2011. Invited talk.
  103. "Paired comparison models with tie probabilities and order effects as a function of strength" - 2011 Joint Statistical Meetings (Miami Beach, FL). August, 2011.
  104. "Measuring competitor strength in games and sports through an approximate Bayesian filter: The Glicko System" - 2012 ISBA World Meeting on Bayesian Statistics (Kyoto, Japan). June, 2012.
  105. "Making sense out of Bayesian statistics: An Introduction" - Biomedical Statistics Seminar, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine (Osaka, Japan). July, 2012. Invited talk.
  106. "Rating the chess rating system" - Biomedical Statistics Seminar, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine (Osaka, Japan). July, 2012. Invited talk.
  107. Discussion of "Predicting for Profit: Data Modeling Competitions on" - Joint Statistical Meetings (San Diego, CA). July, 2012.
  108. "Rating the chess rating system" - 40th Annual Mathematics and Statistics Conference: Statistics in Sports, Miami University of Ohio (Oxford, OH). September, 2012. Invited talk.
  109. "Separating the Best from the Rest: Optimizing the Design of Elimination Tournaments" - 40th Annual Mathematics and Statistics Conference: Statistics in Sports, Miami University of Ohio (Oxford, OH). September, 2012. Invited talk.
  110. "Rating the chess rating system" - Ratings in sports series, the Royal Statistical Society (London, England). June, 2013. Invited talk.
  111. "Towards the construction of elimination tournaments through Bayesian optimal design" - The 4th Internation Conference on Mathematics in Sport (Leuven, Belgium). Invited keynote talk. June, 2013.
  112. "Assessing Alcohol and Drug Use Following Return from Deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan: A Statistical Perspective" - Joint Statistical Meetings (Montreal, Quebec). August, 2013.
  113. "Rating the chess rating system" - Science Atlantic Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science Conference 2013 (University of Prince Edward Island). Invited keynote talk. October, 2013.
  114. "Data Modeling Competitions on for use in statistics courses" - Coordinating and Advancing Statistical Teaching and Learning (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA). April, 2014.
  115. "A Bayesian dynamic model for multi-competitor sports" - 2014 New England Statistics Symposium (Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA). Invited talk. April, 2014.
  116. "Towards a rating system for multi-competitor games and sports" - 2014 Joint Statistical Meetings (Boston, MA). August, 2014.
  117. "Talent Acquisition Analytics - Lessons Learned from Rating Competitors in Games and Sports" - 2014 Fall ERE Recruiting Conference and Expo (Chicago, IL). Invited talk. September, 2014.
  118. "Rankings in games/sports: Viewing educational institutions as tournament participants" - An Inquiry into Rankings in Education: Current Landscapes and Prospects for the Future hosted by the American Educational Research Association (Washington, DC). Invited talk. November, 2014.
  119. "Future of Statistics and Sports" - Future of Statistics Symposium hosted by the Boston Chapter of the American Statistical Association (Boston, MA). Invited panelist. December, 2014.
  120. "A Dynamic Model for Rating Multi-Competitor Games and Sports" - Second Annual Amherst College Sports Analytics Forum (Amherst, MA). Invited talk. March, 2015.
  121. "Using Game Results to Accurately Rate Players" - Guest lecture at the Games course at Union College (Schenectady, NY). Invited talk. May, 2015.
  122. "Rating competitors from game results" - Guest lecture in the Advanced Placement Statistics class at Buckingham Browne & Nichols Upper School (Cambridge, MA). Invited talk. May, 2015.
  123. "Going downhill fast: The development of a rating system for Alpine downhill skiing and other multi-competitor sports" - 60th World Statistics Congress - ISI2015 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Invited talk. July, 2015.
  124. "A comparison of probabilistic rating systems for women's beach volleyball" - 2015 Joint Statistical Meetings (Seattle, WA). August, 2015.
  125. "A stochastic rank ordered logit model for rating multi-competitor games and sports" - 2015 New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports (Cambridge, MA). September, 2015. Invited talk.
  126. "Measuring the effects of time-varying medication adherence on health outcomes" - 11th International Conference on Health Policy Statistics (Providence, RI). October, 2015.
  127. "A stochastic rank ordered logit model for rating multi-competitor games and sports" - Department of Statistics, Yale University (New Haven, CT). November, 2015. Invited talk.
  128. "Rating the Chess Rating System" - Department of Computer Science and Statistics, University of Rhode Island (Kingston, RI). April, 2016. Invited talk.
  129. "Measuring the effects of time-varying medication adherence on health outcomes through latent states" - ISBA 2016 World Meeting (Sardinia, Italy). June, 2016. Invited talk.
  130. "A Comparison of Probabilistic Rating Systems for Women's Beach Volleyball" - Who will win in Rio? Harvard University Institute for Quantitative Social Science (Cambridge, MA). July, 2016. Invited talk.
  131. "Measuring the Effects of Time-Varying Medication Adherence on Health Outcomes Through Latent States" - 2016 Joint Statistical Meetings (Chicago, IL). August, 2016.
  132. "A Stochastic Rank Ordered Logit Model for Rating Multi-competitor Games and Sports" - SportCon - Sport Analytics Conference (Minneapolis, MN). January, 2017. Invited talk.
  133. "Rating the Chess Rating System" - Wellesley College Mathematics Department Colloquium (Wellesley, MA). February, 2017. Invited talk.
  134. "Measuring the Effects of Time-Varying Medication Adherence on Health Outcomes Through Latent States" - International Biometrics Society (ENAR) 2017 Spring Meeting (Washington, DC). March, 2017.
  135. "Rating the Chess Rating System" - 2017 Julia Wells Bower Lecture at Connecticut College (New London, CT). April, 2017. Invited talk.
  136. "The Sports Statistics Club: A Vital Tool for Engaging Students in Statistics" - Member of panel discussion at the 2017 Joint Statistical Meetings (Baltimore, MD). August, 2017.
  137. Discussion of "Practical Problems in Sports Analytics: JQAS Invited Session". 2017 Joint Statistical Meetings (Baltimore, MD). August, 2017.
  138. "Rethinking playoff schedules from first principles: Locally-optimal Bayesian design of knockout tournaments" - 2018 SportCon - Sport Analytics Conference (Minneapolis, MN). February, 2018. Invited talk.
  139. "Paired comparison models with tie probabilities and order effects as a function of strength" - Fields Sports Analytics Workshop (Toronto, ON). May, 2018. Invited talk.
  140. "Paired comparison models with tie probabilities and order effects as a function of strength" - 2018 ISBA World Meeting (Edinburgh, Scotland). June, 2018.
  141. "Assessing authorship of Beatles songs from musical content: Bayesian classification modeling from bags-of-words representations" - 2018 Joint Statistical Meetings (Vancouver, BC). August, 2018.
  142. "Paired comparison models with tie probabilities and order effects as a function of strength" - The Cascadia Symposium on Statistics in Sports (Vancouver, BC). August, 2018. Invited talk.
  143. "Getting your work noticed in sports analytics" - The Cascadia Symposium on Statistics in Sports (Vancouver, BC). August, 2018. Invited panel discussion.
  144. "Data Tripper: Distinguishing authorship of Beatles songs through data science" - 2019 Joint Statistical Meetings (Denver, CO). July, 2019. Invited talk for the public.
  145. "The jury is out: Communicating Bayesian statistics in a courtroom trial" - 2019 Joint Statistical Meetings (Denver, CO). July, 2019. Invited talk.
  146. "Analysis of longitudinal studies with treatment by indication" - Los Alamos National Labs (Los Alamos, NM). August, 2019. Invited talk.
  147. "Data Tripper: Distinguishing authorship of Beatles songs through data science" - PRIISM and Stern School of Business Department of Technology, Operations and Statistics, New York University (New York, NY). September, 2019. Invited talk.
  148. "Data Tripper: Distinguishing authorship of Beatles songs through statistical modeling" - New England Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges fall dinner (Waltham, MA). October, 2019. Invited talk.
  149. "Distinguishing Authorship of Beatles Songs through Data Science" - Kensho Technologies public talk (Cambridge, MA). November, 2019. Invited talk.
  150. "Data Tripper: Distinguishing authorship of Beatles songs through data science" - Department of Statistics, University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA). November, 2019. Invited talk.
  151. "Rating the Chess Rating System" - Coronavirus Visualization Team COVID-19 Visualization Course (online). August, 2020. Invited talk.
  152. "Data Tripper: Distinguishing authorship of Beatles songs through data science" - Department of Statistics, Rice University (Houston, TX). March, 2021. Invited (virutal) talk.
  153. "Data Tripper: Distinguishing authorship of Beatles songs through data science" - Department of Mathematics, Reed College (Portland, OR). November, 2021. Invited talk.
  154. "Basics of measuring competitor strength and evaluating player contribution," an Introductory Overview Lecture - 2022 Joint Statistical Meetings (Washington, DC). August, 2022. Invited talk.
  155. "Rating competitors in games with strength-dependent tie probabilities" - Department of Statistics, Operations and Data Science, Temple University (Philadelphia, PA). November, 2022. Invited talk.
  156. "Rating the Chess Rating System" - Mathematics Seminar Series, Hollow Hills High School East (Dix Hills, NY) (online). November, 2022. Invited talk.
  157. "Rating competitors in games with strength-dependent tie probabilities" - Department of Statistics, University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) (online). June, 2023. Invited talk.
  158. "Rating competitors in games with strength-dependent tie probabilities" - 2023 Joint Statistical Meetings (Toronto, ON). August, 2023. Invited talk.
  159. "Data Tripper: Distinguishing Authorship of Beatles Songs via Data Science" - Boston Chapter of the ASA/GUSH (Cambridge, MA). October, 2023. Invited talk.
  160. "Rating competitors in games with strength-dependent tie probabilities" - Department of Statistics, Nelson Mandela University (Port Elizabeth, South Africa). November, 2023. Invited talk.
  161. "Rating competitors in games with strength-dependent tie probabilities" - 2023 Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association Annual Conference (Pretoria, South Africa). November, 2023. Plenary invited talk.
  162. "Introduction to measuring competitor ability in games and sport" - 64th Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association (Durban, South Africa). November, 2023. Invited workshop.
  163. "Data Tripper: Authorship Attribution Analysis of Lennon-McCartney Songs" - 64th Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association (Durban, South Africa). November, 2023. Plenary invited talk.
  164. "A Review of AI Tools for Research Discovery and Summarization" (presented jointly with Yi Zhang) - R Govys Seminar Series (online). December, 2023. Invited talk.
  165. "Ethical Considerations for Developing and Using Artificial Intelligence in Statistical Practice" - 2024 Joint Statistical Meetings (Portland, OR). August, 2024. Invited panel discussion.

Conference Organizing

New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports. Co-organizer (with Scott Evans). Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 29, 2007.

New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports. Co-organizer (with Scott Evans). Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 26, 2009.

New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports. Co-organizer (with Scott Evans and Jason Rosenfeld). Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 24, 2011.

New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports. Co-organizer (with Scott Evans). Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 21, 2013.

New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports. Co-organizer (with Scott Evans). Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 26, 2015.

New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports. Co-organizer (with Scott Evans). Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 23, 2017.

Celebrating the Foundations and Impact of Statistics: A Symposium Honoring the 95th Birthday of Herman Chernoff. Organizer. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 27, 2018.

New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports. Co-organizer (with Scott Evans). Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 28, 2019.

New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports. Co-organizer (with Scott Evans). Virtual conference run from Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 1-22, 2021.

New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports. Co-organizer (with Scott Evans). Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 23, 2023.